What is Golden Repair Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi
What is Golden Repair Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi
These Japanese Words mean Golden Repair
Kintsugi (金継ぎ) or Kintsukuroi (金繕い)
“Kin” is translated as Golden
“tsugi” means Repair
Kintsugi or Kintsukuroi prizes imperfection. It is the art of restoring broken pottery with gold so the fractures are literally illuminated, capturing a kind of physical expression of its spirit.
“As a philosophy, kintsukuroi, celebrates imperfections as an integral part of the story, not something to be disguised. The true life of an object (or a person) begins the moment it breaks and reveals.that it is vulnerable,” says Georgia Pelligrini.
This technique suggests many things. Maybe we should think twice before throwing away broken objects. Perhaps, we should try to repair things rather than assume it is no longer useful. It may sometimes become a more valuable object.
This is the essence of resilience. Each of us can look for a way to cope with traumatic events in a positive way, learn from negative experiences to take the best from them and convince ourselves that every experience makes each person unique and even more precious.
Pictured are a few golden repairs that I have done. Doing kintsugi gave me welcome relief when a few things that held sentimental value to me were better than before.
Inspired by Georgia Pelligrini, Steffano Carnazzi, Leggi L’Articolo, and Beth Owens
Here’s a little more background on Kintsugi with
instructions on how to make your own ceramic golden repairs
Many thanks to Imaginative Crafts, Do-It-Yourself Projects and Video Tutorials by Robert Mahar, robert-mahar.com
Broken pottery
Clear two-part epoxy
Mica Powder
1. Following the manufacturer’s instructions, dispense a small amount of the clear two-part epoxy into a disposable tray.
2. Scoop a small amount of the mica powder onto the epoxy and stir thoroughly to combine.
3. Using a toothpick or sandwich pick, generously spread the epoxy along one edge of the broken pottery seam.
4. Align the two pieces of pottery and press together. Hold in place until the epoxy sets. Allow epoxy to fully cure before using.
Yoga Nidra for Stress Relief book ~~ On the Way!
Here’s how it all happened ~~ thanks to my lucky stars!
Last February, while I was teaching at Sivananda/Bahamas, I had my Vedic astrology chart read by Krishna Das. This was a first for me.
After describing me better than my own Mother could, he went on to say that the stars and planets and moon were lining up in May exactly as it was when I was born as well as at the age of 30. He said it was going to be a very productive time for me and would bring with it writing, teaching, learning, traveling and such.
I questioned him about the areas that I might concentrate on and gave him a list of things I’m interested in.
Right away, he said that yoga nidra would fit in perfectly with my chart. Next, I asked if I should pursue opportunities and he replied that would not be needed since opportunities would find me.
Can you only imagine the look on my face when I got an email “out of the blue” in May from New Harbinger Publications asking me if I would like to write a book for them on … Yoga Nidra for Stress Relief! Yoga Nidra is the totally relaxing and deeply healing aspect of yoga.
After checking them out and doing some discernment and soul-searching, I agreed. Next, they wanted a book summary, outline, authors bio, and a couple sample chapters. That took me a few months. The contract has now been finalized!
Could you please help me? Something that will really help the book come alive are stories. Would you be willing to share what Yoga Nidra feels like for you? Do you have a Yoga Nidra story about how it has helped you in some way? If so, please send them to me.
Why wait until the book and the new audios are released (it takes a long time). To celebrate, my Real Relaxation: Yoga Nidra CD is on sale for $5 off. This special offer is valid during December 2013.
Here is a (pdf) FAQ sheet on Yoga Nidra on
1) What is Yoga Nidra?
2) Is it different than meditation and hypnosis?
3) How it is done. How often.
4) Benefits
5) Resources.
How your Sleeping Side Matters
The bottom line is that resting for 10 minutes on your left side after eating can improve digestion and immunity, plus increase your energy and memory. It may also improve symptoms associated with menopause and the menstrual cycle. Better yet, sleep on your left side for even better results. Here’s the scoop on it…
Do you ever feel tired after eating? Would you like to know something quick and easy to do that involves lying down that will likely aid your digestion and help your energy bounce back too?
Have you ever noticed that “things” seem to happen more on one side of your body than the other? For example, how rashes, aches and pains, tend to usually show up consistently on either your right side or your left? Even your vision is different in each eye, isn’t it?
I had the good fortune to meet Dr. John Douillard, DC, and his family of 8 on one of my teaching trips to Sivananda Yoga Center in the Bahamas. He spoke on the Ayurvedic aspects of digestion. Ayurvedic is the traditional medicine of India. He says that “According to Ayurveda, the left side of the body is completely different than the right side, and, while I know it sounds strange, emphasizing the left side for rest and sleep offers some time tested wisdom for very real health and longevity benefits.” Resting on your left side for 10 minutes after eating a meal will help your digestion and help your energy bounce back too.
“According to Ayurveda,” he says, “the left side of the body is completely different than the right side, and, while I know it sounds strange, emphasizing the left side for rest and sleep offers some time tested wisdom for very real health and longevity benefits.” Resting on your left side for 10 minutes after eating a meal will help your digestion and help your energy bounce back too. Get the facts here on why Erik Dalton, PhD recommends lying in the fetal position for hydration of the spinal discs for better back health.
Here are the reasons Dr. Douillard gives for sleeping on your left side and resting for 10 minutes after eating.
- Facilitate lymphatic drainage
- Makes it easier for the heart to pump “downhill”
- Better elimination
- Support healthy spleen function
- Encourages proper digestion
- Helps circulation back to the heart
- Helps bile flow more freely
- Brain health (may improve age-related cognitive decline – read more below)
- May improve menopause and menstrual cycle symptoms – click here
There’s some good anatomical logic to back these claims up. Watch this 5 minute video for his explanation.
Blue Moon Rising CD has released!!
Miracles do happen! Synchronicity too!
The Blue Moon of August set the scene for the recording of my newest CD. This one features 16 beautiful tracks played on the Native American style flute with the sounds of Mother Nature as the backdrop.
The Blue Moon was the day I got a brand new wooden flute from Joseph Whitefeather and Sage Mato. The flute is beautiful and has the most amazing sound. He promised me that it is a healer. He was right! What a welcome surprise it was when the flute music began pouring out of me like a waterfall, so naturally and easily. It had healed me from the remnants of fear and doubt that had plagued my musicality since I was a kid. I felt so happy.
I played the flute during my yoga classes the first chance I got. Folks really appreciated how relaxing it was and commented on its healing sound. Quite a few encouraged me to make a recording so they could enjoy it whenever and wherever they want. Here is what is happening. Marilyn listens to it in her truck. Diana plays it when she gives a massage. Mary listens to it on her daily walk, Susan and her daughter listen on their way to school, several play it before bed, and Kate said that not only does she like it, her dog does too.
To celebrate, Blue Moon Rising is on sale until Nov. 15. Why wait?