Chakra Energy Flow Meditation ©
Time: 12-15 minutes
Summary: Energy flows like a river in this guided imagery exercise. Sitting in a meditation posture is more effective than lying down for working with the chakras because the physical alignment encourages and amplifies the flow of energy.
Chakra Energy Flow © 2005 is for personal use only and not for duplication or recording. Reprinted with permission from Yoga Meditations: Timeless Mind-Body Practices for Awakening by Julie Lusk.
Guided Imagery Meditation
Each of us has internal currents of energy within that flow like rivers. This energy is what gives us life and activates us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It influences everything from the concrete to the abstract. For instance, our flesh and bones are activated into life by this energy source. It gives us inspiration to accomplish our meaningful ambitions. Primarily, these rivers of energy span from the base of the spine up through the top of the head and move up and down, in and out, as well as forward and back. Furthermore, there are many other tributaries that extend throughout the rest of our being.
When this energy is open, flowing and balanced, we’re able to express our full potential and interact with the outside world. It enables us to easily receive information, love, and resources from outside of us. We’re also able to manifest our dreams and life purpose, liberate our awareness and actions, and free up energy to take action. It’s important for this energy to flow in a balanced, continuous way. Too often however, areas of energy become overly stimulated and excessive, or it bogs down to a trickle. It can get blocked, leaky, or hyperactive.
The purpose of this guided imagery is to balance these rivers and currents of energy in a wholesome way. So, in your own manner, set an intention to balance and align your energy flow so it serves the greater good for yourself…others…and in the world.
So, in your own way, become aware of a constant source of energy and power that is plentiful…and it’s readily available to you as well as to all others… There are many ways of experiencing the energy as it flow and you can use your senses to experience it…perhaps you can see it, feel it, or hear it… it may have a color, a shape or a sound … It may possibly sparkle…it may glow… How does the presence of energy occur to you?
Imagine tapping into this energy supply right now. Feel it moving and flowing now.
Let’s refine and focus on this energy more attentively by experiencing it as a fountain that flows from below your feet… and into your legs… and into the base of the spine… and it moves upward to the top of the head and beyond…a constant fountain of energy that flows, and moves and is alive…actively flowing through the core of your body from the base to the top…imagine this energy lighting up your awareness…increasing your freedom…and liberating you.
And now, imagine this energy as it showers down like a waterfall. It originates above you and pours down through the crown of the head, down throughout the core of the body, and back to the earth…Experiencing streams of energy running downward through you as it boosts and enlivens your thoughts, dreams, and aspirations into reality…and clearly imagine your dreams taking shape in the world.
So now, this energy flows evenly and fluidly…gracefully moving up and down…up and down the central core that spans from the top of the head to the base of the spine and back to the crown of the head…It can even extend from the earth, through you, and into the sky and back down again.
Imagine and allow this energy to continually flow…automatically…fluidly…and elegantly… whether or not you are paying direct attention to it.
Now it’s time to experience this flow of energy in a new way… This river of energy influences your incoming and outgoing interactions …so hold your attention on the whole length of your spine, from its base to the top. …Allow a wellspring of energy to radiate constantly through the length of your spine, …and feel it start to move in and out…forward and back… and sideways…. … Imagine a constant, abundant supply of energy radiating out from your core…Energy shining out through the front…out the back…to the sides…and all around…making it possible for you to express your self in your life… including your work …touching your relationships…and the world you live in …as this energy moves along the length of your spine, radiating outward in all directions.
And now, this energy returns to you, moving from the outside to the inside…replenishing your energy…receiving it in its many forms…in the form of information…thoughts…and love…being returned to you…naturally flowing into you until it begins flowing in and out like a dance…evenly…smoothly…and effortlessly…continuing to flow, whether or not you are paying attention to it.
And somehow, energy currents are flowing in all directions…up and down…in and out…in unison, balancing and blending and harmonizing…cooling and calming down where the energy is excessive and too strong…and activating and energizing where the energy is too weak or blocked.
And part of you steps out of the way so this can happen naturally…and this part of you notices how all this happens.
This energy source is inside you and all around you… It is constant and supportive…and it guides you…balances you…and makes you feel whole and complete.
It’s time to reawaken to your surroundings…Listen to the sounds (name some as they occur)… become aware of your breath…feel the air on your skin… feel your body, your physical presence…and when ready, stretch and open your eyes.
Author’s Note: Anodea Judith inspired this guided visualization. May her energy be abundant and a blessing to her and to all others.
Guided Meditation for the Chakras
Real Relaxation Yoga Nidra takes you into a deeply relaxing and powerful restful state of being fully aware while being in the state of deep yogic sleep. It helps with balancing chakra energy, and can improve immunity, heart health, relieve stress and give you inner peace and balance.
Get it from Amazon, iTunes, Spotify & other online stores.
Handy Links
- Learn about chakras and their influences | Get your Complete Chakra Chart
- Chakra Balancing with Sound Healing. Use the Elemental Chakra Tone Chart to balance your chakra energy by either increasing or decreasing their energy with sound, color, and special mantras. The Vedic (Yoga) and Tibetan notes and tones are given. It’s fun.
- How to balance chakra energy with toning and hand & finger movements called mudras.
- Get info related to chakra elements, directions, sounds, senses, and other attributes
- Chakra Energy Flow Meditation
- Understanding OM | AUM
- Book a Musical Sound Bath session