Yoga nidra’s benefits are remarkable. Yoga nidra means “yogic sleep.” It’s a comprehensive meditative practice for going far beyond deep relaxation to a place of natural peace and quiet that is tremendously healing for the body, mind, and spirit. Unique skills are developed for handling stress and tension in the short term and for the long run. Yoga nidra feels extremely peaceful and is very refreshing. It’s based on classical yoga and backed by contemporary science.
Here are some of yoga nidra’s benefits from Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation & Stress Relief by Julie Lusk, pgs. 42-43, NHP 2015):
- Activates the relaxation response and deactivates the stress response. This improves functioning of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems (ANS) and the endocrine system (glands and hormones).
- Improves your overall health
- Increases immunity and the ability to fight germs and infections (Kumar 2007)
- Cellular rejuvenation and repair
- Improves heart functioning by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol (Pandya and Kumar 2007)
- Decreases pain
- Improved control of fluctuating blood glucose and symptoms associated with diabetes (Amita et al. 2009)
- Significant improvement of anxiety, depression and well-being was reported in patients with menstrual irregularities and having psychological problems (Rani et al. 2011)
- Manages pre- and post-surgical conditions (Kumar, page 56)
- Reduces insomnia and improves sleep
- Increases energy, especially when needed most
- Reduces worry and enhances clear thinking and problem solving
- Improves and refreshes your outlook
- Mood swings and emotional upsets are replaced with greater emotional understanding and stability
- Intuition is developed and creativity increases
- Improves meditation and enhances its benefits
- Integrates, heals, and revitalizes your body, mind and spirit
- Enhances your Self-awareness and ability to experience witness consciousness
- Transforms thoughts and feelings of separation into a direct experience of wholeness.
Experience yoga nidra’s benefits for yourself. Like most worthwhile things, regular practice yields the best results. This book and audio set is everything you need to get started and will support your practice for years to come.
- Listen to Yoga Nidra Meditations: 24 Scripts for True Relaxation | Audible – iTunes – Amazon
- Read about it and get free audio downloads in Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation and Stress Relief (New Harbinger, 2015).
- Experience yoga nidra on video/audio.
- Attend a virtual yoga nidra class held weekly on Zoom.
- Take a yoga nidra teacher training course and earn a certificate.
- Get yoga nidra downloads here.
Amita, S. et al. 2009. Effect of Yoga Nidra on Blood glucose Level in Diabetic Patients. Indian Journal of Physiological and Pharmacol, Vol. 53 (1): 97-101.
Kumar, Kamakhya. 2013. A Handbook of Yoga Nidra. New Delhi, India: D.K. Printworld
_____ 2007. The Healing Sleep; Yoga Magazine (Body Mind Spirit); Published from York Street, London; Issue 50
Lusk. 2015. Yoga Nidra for Complete Relaxation & Stress Relief. Oakland: New Harbinger
Panda, Nursingh Charan. 2003. Yoga-Nidra: Yogic Trance Theory, Practice and Applications. New Delhi, India: D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd.