Mind Body Helpers
Get the latest resources to unify and balance your mind, body and spirit connection with yoga, meditation, guided imagery and real relaxation. Uplifting quotes too! Mind Body Helpers
Mind Body Connections
Find out how the mindbody connection can either help or hinder your health. Get practical tools to transform yourself and optimize your health with ease. Mind Body Connections
Stress Relief | DARE to Relax ©
Transform daily stress into the energy needed to enjoy life. Going through life’s adjustments and changes can add unwanted stress causing unhappiness, sickness, poor relationships and lack of energy. Improve your ability to handle stress by practicing these effective ways to cope with stress. DARE to Relax © DARE = Diet, Awareness, Rest & Relaxation, and Exercise.
Wellness | SPICES for Life ©
Enjoy a comprehensive approach to wellness and stress management that includes all the components needed for creating and maintaining professional and personal power. SPICES for Life © SPICES = Social. Physical. Intellectual. Career. Emotional, and Spiritual wellbeing.