Welcome to our Pet Picture Page
Joker Lusk warmly welcomes you to our yoga pet page. Isn’t he a cutey-pie in the mountain pose … or is it up-human … or is it his version of the tree pose?
Our pets love yoga! We have dogs, goats, birds, cats, and stuffed animals join our classes. That way we can share the joy of yoga postures, meditation, and yoga nidra mediation with our furry, feathery, and cuddly loved ones.
Pets make our home yoga practice even better. They especially enjoy coming to our zoom classes. We have yoga nidra relaxation class on Mondays and our yoga posture class on Wednesdays. All are welcome! Hope to see you soon.
Our Breezy races to her very own yoga mat as soon as she hears me roll out mine. Her favorite postures are savasana and the yoga dog pose. She loves going under or over me while I’m doing my practice. She’s great at meditation too. Nothing can distract her, especially if she’s focusing on a treat.
Sunni Victori, a parrot from Canada, comes to yoga nidra relaxation every week via zoom. He likes to start class by perching on Rasamayi’s shoulder. Isn’t he adorable sitting on her during savasana and watching over her and practicing his mindful awareness skills?
Bella Bean Vilardo is visiting her Ohio family for the summer. She feels whiney and agitated because she misses her own home sweet home in Florida. She calmed right down as soon as yoga nidra got underway. She was snoring in no time at all. It works every time!
Oliver Wasserman is a busy body from morning till night. His human parent says “He loves to chill in the precious presence of yoga nidra, something dogs are advanced experts at. It puts him on Cloud 9.” He won’t miss his Monday night class. He even looks like a cloud, doesn’t he?
Breezy Lusk thinks this is the best way to strengthen her bones! Here’s the best way to strengthen bones with yoga for people.
Namaaaaaaste! Here comes the joy! Nothing is sweeter or more fun than practicing yoga with baby goats! It’s impossible to be in a bad mood during our goat yoga classes. I miss our goat yoga classes.
This service dog was always by the side of her person who lives with multiple sclerosis. They came to our yoga nidra workshop at Yogaville in Virginia.
Partner Yoga demonstrated by Sophie and Lucy Lusk in Savasana!! Oh so sweet!!
Reading up on Yoga Nidra. It’s bound to put you to sleep!
Dugan Litchfield is doing garden yoga and meditation. He was such a good boy … He’s in heaven now.
Molly Lowe demonstrates her version of the ‘Cat Pose.’ Are you really 18 years old? Go Molly Go!
Snags Schmidt loves watching zoom replays of Hatha Yoga with Diane, his favorite human. He’s offering free nose print autographs!
Living is easy …
Contact us if you want to share your pet practicing yoga with us.