Wholesome Resources Library
Handy links for information on these topics…
Yoga Articles. Videos. Info.
Yoga Resources | Info on how to choose a class. Yoga postures & sequences. Breathing techniques (pranayama). Yoga Nidra. Chakras. Yoga Meditations. Mudras (hand gestures). Desktop Yoga (r). Inspiring quotes.
Meditation & Guided Imagery Resources | Info on yoga meditations. Guided relaxation / Yoga Nidra. Guided imagery & Visualizations
Chakra Energy | Learn about and apply info on chakra energy centers. Comprehensive chart.
Desktop Yoga ® | Hundreds of yoga postures practiced sitting down – Chair Yoga
Shop | Get books and audio recordings on yoga nidra, chakra chart, guided relaxation and imagery.
Wellness Info
SPICES for Life Wellness| Wellbeing with Social. Physical. Intelectual. Career. Emotional and Spiritual health
Stress Relief | DARE to Relax Program / Diet. Awareness. Relaxation. Exercise.
Mind-Body Mastery | Info & exercises for enhancing the mind-body connection for wellbeing.