To Improve Your Memory, Concentration & More
Julie Lusk, M.Ed., E-RYT-500
Wholesome Resources for Mind-Body Mastery through Yoga, Meditation, Guided Imagery, Stress Relief, Wellness
by Julie Lusk
by Julie Lusk
It’s been so rewarding to see so many of you getting excited about practicing the Sa Ta Na Ma meditation technique for memory improvement, mental focus, cognition and more.
However, everybody always asked how to keep track of the timing. After all, there is a specific method to follow as described here.
Finally, we have a CD and a digital download that will easily keep track of the timing for you! Just follow along with this beautiful chorus of voices.
Sa Ta Na Ma
Kirtan Kriya Meditation
Click HERE to buy this downloadable digital album
(MP3, AAC, M4A)
by Julie Lusk
I just love synchronicity, don’t you? Right when I was looking for Sa Ta Na Ma meditation research – Kirtan Kriya – Amy Weintraub sent me a copy of her newsletter, LifeForce Yoga. My eyes popped out of my head with delight because she had compiled an excellent review of the literature on this meditation technique that improves memory. She generously said that I could share what’s below with you. I highly recommend Amy Weintraub’s website at LifeForce Yoga: Manage Your Mood. You will also benefit from and enjoy registering for her newsletter and going to her workshops.
Sa Ta Na Ma Meditation Research: Kirtan Kriya Effects Cognitive Function, Memory and Stress
In three separate studies published this year and in one that is on-going, Kirtan Kriya, as taught by the Kundalini master Yogi Bhajan, was shown to increase short term memory, cognitive function and to reduce stress. In separate studies at the University of Pennsylvania, and one continuing at the University of California (UCLA), researchers measured cerebral blood flow in the brain (rCBF) using single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) to determine which areas are more active and which are less during the practice. One study compared long-term meditators to non-meditators. Another study compared those practicing the meditation with those who listened to a Mozart violin concerto. A third study compared the more active meditation to a relaxation exercise.
Kirtan Kriya is a 12-minute active meditation that include mudra (hand gesture), mantra (out loud, whispered and repeated silently), and visual imagery,
In the on-going study at UCLA, those practicing 12-minutes of Kirtan Kriya meditation are being compared with those using a 25-minute relaxation tape. Preliminary results from the 39 caregivers who have already completed the study (23 practiced Kirtan Kriya, 16 listened to a relaxation audio tape) indicate:
by Julie Lusk
Why are mantras done out loud, whispering and silently and how does it help? When a mantra is spoken out loud, it primarily benefits the physical body. When it’s whispered, it benefits our mental/emotional nature. Our spiritual nature benefits from silent repetition.
If you experience memories of the past or thoughts about the future coming up in your mind. Simply notice them and release them with the mantra. This helps cleanse the subconscious mind.
If emotions come up, you can also incorporate them in the chanting, i.e. if you feel frustration, then chant out the frustration. Whatever you experience is okay. Don’t try to avoid, resist or control your experiences. Just notice what is happening and go through it. This is all part of the process.
SA – touch the thumbs to the index finger
Na – touch the thumbs to the ring finger
Repeat the finger movements throughout the meditation.
Sa Ta Na Ma
Kirtan Kriya Meditation
Click HERE to buy this downloadable digital album
(MP3, AAC, M4A)
Please share your comments and questions with us!
by Julie Lusk
Having and maintaining a good memory is an important ingredient that all of us need and want. Right? Many of us get concerned when forgetfulness happens to us or to those close to us. This is particularly troublesome as we age and especially if we have a family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. Try the 12-minute meditation called Kirtan Kriya.
Here is an inspiring video with research to prove that there are easy things we can do for memory improvement with meditation.
Along with the conventional wisdom of good nutrition, supplements and mental and physical exercise, Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD says that meditation is key. A research study is reviewed that shows increases in brain development for memory, concentration and focus using a simple 12-minute meditation, including a yoga mudra.
The Kirtan Kriya – the Sa Ta Na Ma 12 minute meditation for memory is from the Kundalini yoga tradition. To get measurable results, it is done daily for only 8 weeks. But, who would want to stop there. Not me!
The Sa Ta Na Ma meditation technique also stops the mental chatter to bring about a clear mind. It’s calming too.
This NY Times article Yoga May Be Good for the Brain was published June 1, 2016 . It discusses a study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in April 2016.
A combination of 1 hour of weekly yoga exercise and a daily 15-minute Kirtan Kriya Meditation is recommended to help with memory improvement, concentration and mood improvement (depression). Improvements were also made in “visuospatial memory, a type of remembering that is important for balance, depth perception and the ability to recognize objects and navigate the world”. It was compared to another highly regarded brain training program practiced that was practiced for 1 hour weekly with 15 minutes of daily memory exercises.
The yoga + meditation group “topped the benefits of the brain training group” showing statistically significant results.
Sa Ta Na Ma
Kirtan Kriya Meditation
Click HERE to buy this downloadable digital album
(MP3, AAC, M4A)