Here’s an amazing yoga posture sequence called the Salute to the Moon (Chandra Namaskar). Like the Sun Salute, it is a wonderful way to link poses and breathing together to enjoy better coordination, build endurance and create relaxed energy. In it, standing postures are done in a way that flows as naturally as the moon moves through its phases.
Julie’s moon salute sequence features the mountain pose, moon, star, forward bend, warrior options, and a standing spinal twist. It’s heavenly!
HANDOUT LINK: Yoga Moon Salute – Chandra Namaskar (pdf) shows photos for each posture with the proper breathing for the Salute to the Moon.
Here’s Sarah Brightman singing Figlio Perduto, the music we often play while practicing the Moon Salute.
Blue Moon Rising CD by Julie Lusk is on sale! It’s great music for listening to while doing yoga or relaxing.